Saturday, February 14, 2009

Movin' on up

Trust Miguel
has a new website!
(click JCCC logo below)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day of Service

I kinda felt bad that I didn't volunteer at a community organization for the big MLK day of service.

Instead, I met with some people who helped me organize my campaign. They helped me refined my platform. They urged me to begin soliciting donations and even suggested where a big guy like me can find an affordable blazer.

When our discussion was over, I realized that my whole life has been about service. I worked in the fields as a migrant farm worker. I worked at non-profits as HIV/AIDS educator and coordinator. I'm a student at a community college and a university. I work in a library. I'm a freelance journalist and I'm running for a seat on the board of trustees.

For me, and for hundreds of other people, everyday is a day of service. My service will continue when I'm elected trustee.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mission, Impossible?

The college has scheduled a series of meetings to examine it's mission, vision, and values statements. I'm excited to know this because part of my interview for the vacant seat on the board last November was that we've lost our way over the past few years and we need to refocus on students.

I particularly like the part of the notice that reads, "We realize that in the past, efforts like these were viewed as simply a way for the college to add another plaque to its collection of honors. Please know those days are over ... These steps are being taken to make the institution better, not to get an award."

I couldn't have written it better myself -- well, maybe.
JCCC's Mission: Learning Comes First at JCCC


Students, faculty and staff can weigh in on JCCC’s vision, mission and values statements at open forums on Jan. 30 and 31.
This year we are taking a new look at the college’s vision, mission and values statements, an effort that will help identify new institutional goals and initiatives to use for strategic planning.
Members of the community expressed their thoughts about JCCC in a series of open forums held in October.
On Jan. 30, forums will run from 8 to 9:30 a.m. and 3 to 4:30 p.m. On Jan. 31 – a Saturday -- a forum will be held from 9:30 to 11 a.m. with the Executive Council preparing breakfast for those participants willing to come in on the weekend!
We realize that in the past, efforts like these were viewed as simply a way for the college to add another plaque to its collection of honors. Please know those days are over. The college is committed to continuous quality improvement, as shown by our involvement in the Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP), the college’s accreditation process through the Higher Learning Commission. These steps are being taken to make the institution better, not to get an award.
Please consider attending one of the forums in January, and register for your desired forum through Staff Development using the CRNs noted below:
* Jan. 30, 8-9:30 a.m., CRN 30419, 101 RC
* Jan. 30, 3-4:30 p.m. , CRN 30420, 101 RC
* Jan. 31, 9:30-11 a.m., CRN 30421, 101 RC

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Political Pancakes

Today I attended the Johnson County Democratic Party Breakfast. I skipped the actual breakfast part since I woke up at 4 am and had leftover pizza from dinner the previous night.

Dennis Moore was there but left about 20 min into the speaker's presentation. I didn't get the speaker's name but her presentation explored the Obama campaign. I found it pretty interesting. People at the event seemed pretty stoked about the possibility of using "new" tools like campaign blogs and YouTube. I know, I know ....

There was only one other person of color at the event, which was a little disappointing considering how many minorities are usually Democrats
Anyway, at the end of the meeting they announced that the next monthly meeting will feature a forum for candidates in the spring elections -- that's' me!

I'm thinking it might be a good idea to have a video the forum so I can upload it to YouTube. Anyone with a cam wanna volunteer to be my videographer?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cambio Politico

Monday evening I attended a meeting of the greater Kansas City group, Politico Cambio (Political Change). The group included Theresa Garza Ruiz, Jackson County Missouri 1st District Representative.
They group offered some good advice and suggested a few immediate steps I need to take:
  • Recruit a treasurer for my campaign
  • File additional papers required by Kansas like "Statement of Substantial Interest for Local Office"
  • Identify five essential points of my campaign
  • Get a suit
That's right. I don't own a suit. Isn't that crazy? I mean, I have a sports coat but I never really needed a suit in my college career. Even when I served as an intern at The Kansas City Star, I got funny looks when I wore a dress shirt and tie.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter Break Research

I figure I'd better put some of my free time during the break to good use and bone up on campus history -- specifically trustee history. I've started reading "The Community's College: A History of Johnson County Community College 1969-1999" by Charles Bishop. I've read sections of it in the past when I worked at the student newspaper, The Campus Ledger.

I hope he's working on adding a few more chapters. Over the past two years, the college has probably experienced it's most dramatic changes in it's 40 year history. I wonder if he needs a collaborator ...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

friends, fans, facebook

Join me on facebook:
My campaign page

My personal profile